
Justin Chambers or Logan Marshall Green

I am a huge fan of Grey's Anatomy. I love Alex Karev, he's one of my favorite characters. Imagine my surprise when I watched the first episode of Dark Blue on TNT and saw "Dean" who surprisingly looks a lot like Alex Karev (Justin Chambers). I had to IMDB these two guys, I thought maybe they were related. Yeah, they're not. What do you think? Do these two look alike or is just me? I mean, that is always a possibility. :D


  1. I can see a faint similarity - their eyebrows both look expressive & their mouths look close too but the first guy is definately better looking IMO.

  2. Yeah, there was a stronger resemblance on the TV. But eye candy is always good!

  3. I don't really think they look alike, they just have the same facial hair and head hair treatment :-)

  4. To me, they look a lot alike. I like the first one best though. YUM

  5. Yeah, Justin is dreamy. Logan is much more handsome of TV. Why do you think that is?

  6. Venus, yeah these pictures don't really display what I thought I saw on the TV. It's entirely possible it's just my imagination anyway! :D

  7. Erika, I love Alex (shoot, I wrote Axel the first time....)too! I do see a resemblence but I think Justin is hotter. I'd have to see Logan in action :-)

  8. When I first watched Dark Blue, I was ranting about the similarities! several weeks later I finally google these two actors!I am totally shocked they are not related!

    From their facial expressions, to the sound of their voice, I truly believed they might be brothers! Oh well, if I were a casting director I would definitely what to cast them as brothers in their future careers!

  9. Thank you Mark! I'm SOOO glad it's not just me.

  10. I'm watching Dark Blue right now & think they TOTALLY look alike. They even talk the same - sort of at the side of their mouths. I did a google search for "justin chambers logan marshall-green" & this site popped up. :o)

  11. ~me,

    Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks these two actors are similar. I thought I was losing my mind.

    I'm not so sure that they photograph the same, but they definitely have similar qualities in their acting. Thanks for chiming in! :)

  12. What's even weirder is that both Chambers and Marshall-Green have a twin brother!

  13. I started watching Dark Blue. I thought I recognized Logan and I checked his past parts, but I hadn't watched anything with him in it. Then, as I continued to watch Dark Blue, I realized why I recognized him. He looked so much like Justin Chambers on TV. He has the same expressions and way of speaking. I'm glad I found this because I thought I was losing it!

  14. Do their twin brothers look like them too? (If not maybe the twins got Switched as babies!) These two def look like twins and act have many similar expressions.

  15. I looked it up to, I love Grey's Anatomy and The OC and I totally thought they were the same guy or related.

  16. Their looks, mannerisms, the accent... they were raised in the same area or are related! No question!
