
Why Do People Suck?

Some idiots broke into my Suburban last night and stole the DVD monitors right out of the back of the seats. Why do people suck? Why? Thank God tomorrow is Friday!


  1. Awww honey, I am so sorry this has happened. People do suck. There is not two ways about.. Why they do crap like this... because they did not have a parent who slap the sh*t out of them once in a while. I am not even sure about that. Because they are freaking idiots. Plain and simple.

  2. Thanks Cecile. I just had to bitch about it out loud. The disgusting thing is, the police can't do anything about this. It's a $500 property claim for the monitors and my auto insurance will take care of the seats. It's just a pain in the butt. I guess we need to clean out the garage and start parking in it instead of using it for storage. :)

  3. *hugs* I know how you feel. Someone shot out the back window of The Only's Mustang. It cost what our deductible was. Finally have the funds to get it fixed today. Stupid people don't have to be mean, too. What pisses me off about the 'stang is that over that weekend, SIXTEEN cars were damaged by the little punks. Grrrrr!

    Hang in there, hon!

  4. Oh, I'm sorry :(


    I'm really glad you had insurance on it though.

  5. Silver, UGH! I'm sorry to hear about Only's car. That sucks. I wonder what it is that people get out of doing stuff like that.

  6. Hey Venus, yeah we're insured. Thank goodness, but insurance doesn't take away the pain in the @$$ factor. I guess I should be happy it's still drivable and no one was hurt. Positive thinking...positive thinking.

  7. I totally get your anger, Erika. I HATE thieves with a passion.
    !@%#$#&!!! Yeah!

    Several years ago, thieves broke into our garage and stole 2 dirtbikes and 1 4 wheeler. About $20 grand in stuff. Then our insurance told us they weren't covered. We were sick. We now have seperate coverage for them.

    Be glad it was something relatively small. But I know how you feel...violated. F&$%^## B*(*%$$S! grrs

  8. Thanks for the support Ashlynn. I'm sorry to hear about your ATVs though. That's awful.
