
There are lines you just don't cross. Ever!

I am the mother of two children. They are both old enough now to take out into public, most days, and not cause a scene. Having said that, it has not always been the case. At several points in their very young lives both of my children have acted out in public. They have screamed, they have cried and they have tried to get what they want in the only way their young brains knew how. This does not make it okay. I believe as a parent it is your responsibility to make sure that your children behave appropriate in public, your responsibility, no one else.

I recently read this article on a man in Georgia (I think) who slapped another woman's child in order to get her to "shut up" because the mother didn't do an efficient job in his mind. He has been arrested and charged with a felony but I'm not sure there is a punishment to fit this crime. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't deserve the electric chair or anything, but do you think probation is going to correct this behavior?

Tell me friends, what do you think? Inquiring minds and all that . . .


  1. This is a direct result of a certain 'someone's' comment "it takes a community to raise a child" - just saying ...

  2. I assume you meant the African proverb . . .

  3. Not Mrs. Clinton's speech that said

    "...Of course, parents, first and foremost, are responsible for their children.
    But we are all responsible for ensuring that children are raised in a nation that doesn’t just talk about family values, but acts in ways that values families. Just think — as Christopher Reeve so eloquently reminded us last night, we are all part of one family — the American family. And each one of us has value. Each child who comes into this world should feel special — every boy and every girl..."

  4. It's not so much the proverb Mrs. Clinton refrenced as HOW people (and I'm talking about those who accept the words of public figures at face value without questioning for themselves) have taken to 'interpreting' it ... The proverb itself simply means that people need support and that no person is an island - that people should be a part of their community etc. (preaching to the choir I'm sure) but - in my experience - that is not how people are taking it. They are expecting government to step in and take resp. for things they themselves will/don't want to.
    I'm all for support but when it comes down to it, as you said, it is the resp. of the parents !
    So, in essence - while I agree with the 'ideal' of the proverb I believe it is widely misunderstood by those who choose not to use the most important organ in their body.
    Hope I haven't made that a bigger muddle than before :D

  5. Ban, you're right. People need to use their heads. I was just harassing you. Would you ever lay your hands on a strangers child? Can you believe the nerve of thsi guy?

  6. I was hoping so, I'm so wishy-washy when it comes to politics ;)
    No - I'd never touch another's child ... unless they meant to do mine harm.

  7. I would have slugged this guy in the face and then kicked him in the nuts. Just sayin'!

    He had no right. And I wish the woman had done just what I would have done.

  8. Kira you're a woman after my own heart. I wish she would have done that too!

  9. Boy, what a nasty looking man--he just looks mean. We don't know what set the man off--he could have just watched his dog die, his wife leave him, etc.
    BUT there is no excuse for hitting someone's child. He should have just left the Wal-mart, now look where his anger got him. A record and probably some jail time and probation.
    Kids get tired, hungry, and cranky. I know when my daughter and I are shopping and hear wailing, I just explain to her about 'meltdowns' and we move on. He should have taken the high road, but obviously his frustrations got the better of him.
    I know when my daughter was at the age for meltdowns, my hubster would take her to the car while she calmed down. And yes, food did get cold many times.
