
100 Words Per Day for 100 Days

I didn't sign up for NaNo this year. I barely have time to get all the other crap, uh I mean stuff, done in my daily life right now. SO, instead, I agreed to write 100 words per day for 100 days less weekends. I have to be honest and say I'm not sure this was a better idea. ACK!

That's what I'm up to. 100 words per day for 100 days. I'm going to keep track of it here, on my blog, so that I'm somewhat accountable. Not that any of you know where I live, but you get the idea.

To all of my friends who did sign up for NaNo, best of luck, I have faith that you can do it.


  1. Great idea, Erika! If you can't do NaNo, do something more reasonable. Good for you girl!! Don't give up and I'll check back in to make sure you do your 100 words a day. :D

  2. Thanks Kira. It actually wasn't my idea, but I agree with you, something is better than nothing. I seem to be having trouble getting any writing done right now, so maybe if I force myself to write 100 words a day it might turn into more. I may actually get something accomplished!

  3. Best of luck to you. The 100/100 is hard work, but I'll cheer you on from the sidelines.
    *rips open the rest of my boxes looking for pom-poms* Oh, that's right. I never had any pompoms.

  4. That's great Erika - now you'll be insured to have your 500 words to post on Sundays !!!
    You've got all us here to back you ... even if we don't know where you live :D
