So I sat down and pulled out all of my papers and started sorting through them. I found my printed out document for Jack & Carly and with it was a note from my friend Vera who I asked (over a year ago) to read what I had so far and give me her feedback. I did this knowing she would be brutally honest with me, she wouldn't spare my feelings. If it sucked, she would tell me, and that's what I needed. The good news? She said the only thing she hated about it was that it wasn't complete. *snoopy dance* She gave me a list of items that she either had questions or comments about. It's a good list. She caught things that I didn't pick up on and she caught things that I knew in my head and just didn't bother to share with the reader. Important stuff!
So tonight I sat down and went over her notes. I'm not going to tell you what they were because I'm vain and I don't want you to know what mistakes I made, I want you to think I'm BRILLIANT all by myself. Don't tell Vera. Going over her comments and questions had me looking over parts of the story that I hadn't remembered I wrote and questioning where sections were that I was pretty sure I had written. I guess I must have taken them out.....I dunno, but it got me back into the spirit of my story and I'm very psyched.
I have scenes running over and over my head. The characters are screaming to be heard and I can't type fast enough to keep up with them all. I have to remind them that I do need to sleep and work. Dammit.
So in the spirit of Jack & Carly and all that they mean to me I wanted to share with all of you that I am back in the saddle. Or maybe it's the computer chair, but either way I'm back on the write track again. Get it?